Requirement - Folder has multiple .csv files starting with Knowstar.
For ex - Knowstar_V1_1.csv
We need to rename the files as below -
Knowstar_V1_1.csv to Knowstar_1.csv
Knowstar_V1_2.csv to Knowstar_2.csv
This can be achieved by replacing the '_V1_' in the original filenames with a single underscore '_'.
The below single line command will rename all the files starting with Knowstar according to our requirements.
for f in Knowstar_*.csv; do mv "$f" $(echo "$f" | sed 's/_V1_/_/'); done
The for loop cycles through all the files matching the name pattern Knowstar* in the directory.
The s (sed 's/_V1_/_/') command in sed means substitute.
The next argument is the substring/pattern to be found and replaced (sed 's/_V1_/_/') . In our example, it is '_V1_'
The last argument is the substring that needs to be replaced in place of the old substring. (sed 's/_V1_/_/'). In our example, it is '_'.
This can be directly executed through the Unix command line or executed as part of a script.
Helpful. Thanks.