SQL - Convert data from Rows into single delimited string - STRING_AGG

The String_Agg function can be used to convert data from rows into a single delimited string.

The detailed explanation is provided in the below video tutorial.

The example uses the Projects table. Please find below the Create script for the table

1- Create table -  Projects


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Projects](

[ProjectID] [smallint] NOT NULL,

[ProjectName] [nvarchar](250) NULL,

[ManagerName] [nvarchar](250) NOT NULL


2- Insert sample data


INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (100, 'Data Quality', 'Tom');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (101, 'Data Warehouse', 'Jen');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (102, 'Profiling', 'Brad');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (103, 'Data Lake', 'Brad');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (104, 'Data Analytics', 'Amy');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (105, 'Reporting', 'Amy');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (106, 'Lineage', 'Tom');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (107, 'Management', 'Matt');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ProjectName],[ManagerName])
VALUES (108, 'Big Data', 'Tom');

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Projects] ([ProjectID],[ManagerName])
VALUES (109, 'Tom');

We are now going to write a query to find all the projects managed by each manager.
We are going to use '|' as a delimiter. Any other delimiter can be used as well.


Select ManagerName, STRING_AGG(ProjectName, ' , ') 
group by ManagerName

Output -

We are now going to use the WITHIN GROUP clause to order the concatenated values in ascending order. For descending order, specify DESC.

Select ManagerName, STRING_AGG(ProjectName, ' , ') 
within group (order by ProjectName ) 
group by ManagerName

Output - 

Please note that any NULL values in the data will be ignored and will not be a part of the concatenated string.

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