All examples are base don the AdventureWorksLT database from Microsoft.
The table is SalesLt.Product.
You can download it here -
Select * from SalesLT.Product
-- % - Any string of zero or more characters.
-- Name with 'Bike'
Select * from SalesLT.Product
WHere Name like '%Bike%'
-- _ (underscore) Any single character.
-- Second character is 'R'
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where ProductNUmber like '_R%'
-- Third character is '-' and 4th character is 'U'
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where ProductNumber like '__-U%'
-- Check for Product Number pattern
-- Any 2 characters followed by '-' followed
-- by any 4 characters followed by '-' followed
-- by any single character - HL-U509-R
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '__-____-_'
-- [ ] Any single character within the specified range
-- Above pattern with last char L or M
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '__-____-[LM]'
-- Above pattern with last char between L and S
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '__-____-[L-S]'
-- Above pattern with last char between L and R
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '__-____-[L-R]'
-- [^] Any single character not within the specified range
-- Above pattern with last char not between L and R
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '__-____-[^L-R]'
-- Product number not starting with F
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '[^F]%'
-- Product number not starting with F or H
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '[^FH]%'
-- Product NUmber not starting between A to H.
Select * from SalesLT.Product
Where ProductNUmber like '[^A-H]%'
-- Example 1 - Data(Size) is Only One Character and Value is from A to Z
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where Size like '[A-Za-z]'
-- Example 2 - Data(Size) is Two Characters and Values are from A to Z
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where Size like '[A-Za-z]_'
-- Example 3 - Text(rowguid) Rows Starting with a Number
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where rowguid like '[0-9]%'
-- Example 4 - Find a Number Pattern -
-- Product Number with 4th and 5th chars as numbers
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where ProductNumber like '___[0-9][0-9]%'
-- Example 5 - Number(List Price) with two decimal places ending in 2
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where ListPrice like '%.[0-9]2'
-- Using the Not Character for Regex with T-SQL
-- Product Number - after 1st hyphen has either numbers or special characters
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where ProductNumber like '__-[^A-Z]%'
-- Example - Name has Only alphabetic characters
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where Name like '%[^A-Z]%'
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where Name not like '%[^A-Z]%'
-- Example - Name has No special characters
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where Name like '%[^A-Z0-9]%'
Select * from SalesLT.Product
where Name not like '%[^A-Z0-9]%' and
ProductNumber not like '%[^A-Z0-9]%'