SQL - Swap column values

In this tutorial, we will learn how to swap column values in SQL.

It is pretty straightforward in many databases like SQL Server and only gets a bit challenging in MySQL.

For our example, we are going to be working with a Coordinates table.

Please find the DDL below -

Create table Coordinates

(x int,

y int);

Insert into Coordinates Values (1,2);

Insert into Coordinates Values (1,4);

Insert into Coordinates Values (4,2);

Insert into Coordinates Values (2,4);

Insert into Coordinates Values (3,3);

Insert into Coordinates Values (3,0);

Requirement - Swap column values for columns x and y.

For SQL Server , a single Update statement is sufficient to achieve this requirement.

Update Coordinates

Set x = y, y = x;

For MySQL, 

1st approach - (x = 1, y = 2)

Step 1 - Store sum of two column values in first column

             x = x + y

             x = 1 + 2 = 3

Step 2 - Subtract 2nd column value(y) from the above (Step 1) stored value in x and assign to 2nd   column.

             y  = x -y

             y = 3 - 2 = 1

Step 3 -  Subtract 2nd column value from Step 2 above (y) from the value in x from Step 1 and assign to first column.

               x  = x -y

               x = 3 - 1 = 2

Result - (x = 2, y = 1)

UPDATE Coordinates

    --SET x = x+y,

  -- SET y = x-y,

      SET x = x-y;

2nd approach - Use a temporary variable to store the intermediate value

   declare @temp int = 0;

   declare @cnt int = 0;

   update coordinates

  set @temp = x, x = y, y = @temp , @cnt = @cnt + 1;

  Select @cnt

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