SQL - Recursive CTE - Practical Examples and Use Cases

 A Recursive CTE is a CTE that references itself repeatedly or recursively to generate subsets of data. It performs multiple iterations till it generates the complete set of data. 

The video tutorial on our YouTube channel can be found here-

In its simplest form, recursive CTE has the below structure.

The Anchor Query produces the base results.

The recursive query iterates to produce more data till the exit criteria (termination check) is met.

  • Sequences

Example 1- Sequence of Numbers

In the example, we are generating a sequence of numbers. This is the first use case of Recursive CTEs - to generate sequences.

WITH RecursiveCTE AS


    SELECT  1 AS Cnt                   --  Anchor Query

    UNION ALL                          --  Separator

    SELECT Cnt + 1 FROM RecursiveCTE   --  Recursive Query 

    WHERE Cnt < 10                     --  Termination Check



The base query starts the counter by assigning a value of 1 to Cnt. The recursive Query keeps on incrementing the counter by 1 till a series of 10 numbers is produced.

Example 2 - Series of dates within a date range

Using similar logic, we can also generate a series of dates within a range using the below query.

declare @startdate date = '2022-01-01';

declare @enddate date = '2022-01-31';

With Dates as 

(Select @startdate as OrderDate 


Select DATEADD(dd,1,OrderDate) 

from Dates 

WHERE DATEADD(dd,1,OrderDate) <= @enddate)

Select Dates.OrderDate

from Dates

Here we define variables to hold values for the start and end dates of the range. The DateAdd function increments the date by one day in each iteration till the end date is reached.

Example 3 - Sequence of alphabets A-Z

We can also generate a sequence of alphabets. The ascii values of alphabets need to be incremented till the entire series is generated. The Char() function is used to convert the ascii value back to the alphabet.

We start with 65 as the ascii value of alphabet 'A' is 65.

With Alphabets as 

(select  char(65) alphabet

union all

select  char(ascii(alphabet) + 1)

from    Alphabets

where   alphabet <> 'Z')

Select * from Alphabets

Example 4 - Extract each character from a string in a separate row

Extending the above logic to generate a sequence of numbers, to extract each alphabet from a string in a separate row.

Knowstar -->  K








The first part of the query generates a series of numbers for each character of the string. The termination check on the length of the string makes sure that we have the same count of numbers as the characters in the string.

The Substring function extracts one character at a time from the corresponding position generated by the recursive CTE.

declare @var varchar(50) = 'Knowstar';

With Recursive_CTE as 

( Select @var as var , 1 as start 


  Select var, start + 1

  from Recursive_CTE 

  WHERE start + 1 <= len(@var)



substring(@var, start, 1) 

from Recursive_CTE

  • Hierarchies

The next major use case of Recursive CTEs is to extract the multi-level hierarchies. For ex - Employee Manager Hierarchy.

Example 5 - Employee Manager Hierarchy

A manager can have multiple employees under him who in turn might be managers to further employees at a lower level.

With EmpMgrCTE 


(SELECT EmployeeID, EMployeeName, ManagerID, 0 as EmployeeLevel 

from dbo.Employee 



SELECT emp.EmployeeID, emp.EMployeeName, emp.ManagerID, mgr.EmployeeLevel + 1 as EmployeeLevel 

from dbo.Employee emp 

INNER JOIN EmpMgrCTE as mgr 

ON emp.ManagerID = mgr.EmployeeID 


Select * from EmpMgrCTE 

order by EmployeeLevel;

Select * from dbo.employee;

The anchor query extracts the top most manager as Level 1.

The recursive query executes a self join to extract the manager employee relationship and executes till all the levels have been extracted.

Example 6 - Bill of Materials

Another similar example is Bill of Materials.

Here a component is made of subcomponents which in turn are made of further subcomponents.

The example is based on the PARTLIST table as below -


                 (PART VARCHAR(8),

                  SUBPART VARCHAR(8),

                  QUANTITY INTEGER);

Insert into PartList VALUES 

(   '00',       '01' ,                5),

  ('00',       '05' ,                3),

  ('01',       '02' ,                2),

  ('01',       '03' ,                3),

  ('01',       '04' ,                4),

  ('01',       '06' ,                3),

  ('02',       '05' ,                7),

  ('02',       '06' ,                6),

  ('03',       '07' ,                6),

  ('04',       '08' ,               10),

  ('04',       '09' ,               11),

  ('05',       '10' ,               10),

  ('05',       '11' ,               10),

  ('06',       '12' ,               10),

  ('06',       '13' ,               10),

  ('07',       '14' ,                8),

  ('07',       '12' ,                8);

The query below extracts all levels of subcomponents a part is made up of.

With PartList_CTE as 


Select Part, SubPart, Quantity , 1 as Level 


Where Part = '00' 


Select Child.Part, Child.SubPart, Child.Quantity , Level + 1 

FROM PartList_CTE Parent 

INNER JOIN PartList Child 

ON Parent.SubPart = Child.Part


Select *from PartList_CTE 

Another example of hierarchy that can be resolves using Recursive CTE is the family tree.

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