You can start, stop, validate, and reset jobs using the –run option.
a job
dsjob –run
[ –mode [ NORMAL | RESET | VALIDATE ] ]
[ –param name=value ]
[ –warn n ]
[ –rows n ]
[ –wait ]
[ –stop ]
[ –jobstatus]
[–opmetadata [TRUE | FALSE]]
[useid] project job|job_id
–mode specifies the type of job run.
–param specifies a parameter value to pass to the job.
The value is in the format name=value, where name is the
parameter name, and value is the value to be set. If you use this to
pass a value of an environment variable for a job (as you may do for parallel
jobs), you need to quote the environment variable and its value, for example -
param '$APT_CONFIG_FILE=chris.apt' otherwise
the current value of the environment variable will be used.
–warn n sets warning limits to the value
specified by n (equivalent to the DSSetJobLimit function used with
DSJ_LIMITWARN specified as the LimitType parameter).
–rows n sets row limits to the value specified
by n (equivalent to the DSSetJobLimit function used with DSJ_LIMITROWS
specified as the LimitType parameter).
–wait waits for the job to complete (equivalent to the
DSWaitForJob function).
–stop terminates a running job (equivalent to the
DSStopJob function).
–jobstatus waits for the job to complete, then returns
an exit code derived from the job status.
–userstatus waits for the job to complete, then
returns an exit code derived from the user status if that status is defined.
The user status is a string, and it is converted to an integer exit code. The
exit code 0 indicates that the job completed without an error, but that the
user status string could not be converted. If a job returns a negative user
status value, it is interpreted as an error.
-local use this when running a DataStage job from
withing a shellscript on a UNIX server. Provided the script is run in the
project directory, the job will pick up the settings for any environment variables
set in the script and any setting specific to the user environment.
-opmetadata use this to have the job generate
operational meta data as it runs. If MetaStage, or the Process Meta Data
MetaBroker, is not installed on the machine, then the option has no effect. If
you specify
TRUE, operational meta data is generated, whatever the
default setting for the project. If you specify FALSE, the job will not
generate operational meta data, whatever the default setting for the project.
-disableprjhandler use this to disable any
error message handler that has been set on a project wide basis
-disablejobhandler use this to disable any
error message handler that has been set for this job
useid specify this if you intend to use a job alias (jobid) rather than
ajob name (job) to identify the job.
project is the name of the project containing the job.
job is the name of the job. To run a job invocation, use the format
job_id is an alias for the job that has been set using the dsjob –jobid command
a job
You can stop a job using the –stop option.
dsjob –stop [useid] project job|job_id
–stop terminates a running job (equivalent to the
useid specify this if
you intend to use a job alias (jobid) rather than a job name (job) to identify
the job.
project is the name of the
project containing the job.
job is the name of the
job. To stop a job invocation, use the format
job_id is an alias for
the job that has been set using the dsjob –jobid command
The following syntax displays a list of all known
projects on the server:
dsjob –lprojects
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetProjectList
The following syntax displays a list of all jobs in
the specified project:
dsjob –ljobs project
project is the name of the project containing the jobs
to list. This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetProjectInfo function.
The following syntax displays a list of all stages in
a job:
dsjob –lstages [useid] project job|job_id
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetJobInfo function
with DSJ_STAGELIST specified as the InfoType parameter.
The following syntax displays a list of all the links
to or from a stage:
dsjob –llinks [useid] project job|job_id stage
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetStageInfo
function with DSJ_LINKLIST specified as the InfoType parameter.
The following syntax display a list of all the
parameters in a job and their values:
dsjob –lparams [useid] project job|job_id
The following syntax displays a list of the
invocations of a job:
dsjob –linvocations
an Alias for a Job
The dsjob command can be used to specify your own ID
for a DataStage job. Other commands can then use that alias to refer to the job.
dsjob –jobid [my_ID] project job
my_ID is the alias you want to set for the job. If you
omit my_ID, the command will return the current alias for the specified job. An
alias must be unique within the project, if the alias already exists an error message
is displayed
Job Information
The following syntax displays the available
information about a specified job:
dsjob –jobinfo [useid] project job|job_id
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetJobInfo
Stage Information
The following syntax displays all the available
information about a stage:
dsjob –stageinfo [useid] project job|job_id stage
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetStageInfo
Link Information
The following syntax displays information about a
specified link to or from a stage:
dsjob –linkinfo [useid] project job|job_id stage link
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetLinkInfo
Parameter Information
This syntax displays information about the specified
dsjob –paraminfo [useid] project job|job_id param
The following information is displayed:
The parameter type
The parameter value
Help text for the parameter that was
provided by the job’s designer
Whether the value should be prompted for
The default value that was specified by the
job’s designer
Any list of values
The list of values provided by the job’s
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetParamInfo
a Log Entry
The following syntax adds an entry to the specified
log file. The text for the entry is taken from standard input to the terminal,
ending with Ctrl-D.
dsjob –log [ –info | –warn ] [useid] project
–info specifies an information message. This is the
default if no log
entry type is specified.
–warn specifies a warning message.
a Short Log Entry
The following syntax displays a summary of entries in
a job log file:
dsjob –logsum [–type type] [ –max n ] [useid] project
–type type specifies the type of log entry to
retrieve. If –type type is
not specified, all the entries are retrieved. type can
be one of the
following options:
INFO Information.
WARNING Warning.
FATAL Fatal error.
REJECT Rejected rows from a Transformer stage.
STARTED All control logs.
RESET Job reset.
BATCH Batch control.
ANY All entries of any type. This is the default if
type is not specified.
–max n limits the number of entries retrieved to n.
a Specific Log Entry
The following syntax displays the specified entry in a
job log file:
dsjob –logdetail [useid] project job|job_id entry
entry is the event number assigned to the entry. The
first entry in the file is 0.
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetLogEntry
the Newest Entry
The following syntax displays the ID of the newest log
entry of the specified type:
dsjob –lognewest [useid] project job|job_id type
INFO Information.
WARNING Warning.
FATAL Fatal error.
REJECT Rejected rows from a Transformer stage.
STARTED Job started.
RESET Job reset.
BATCH Batch control.
This syntax is equivalent to the DSGetNewestLogId
Job Executables
The dsjob command can be used to import job
executables from a DSX file into a specified project. Note that this command is
only available on UNIX servers.
dsjob –import project DSXfilename [-OVERWRITE] [-JOB[S]
jobname …] |
[-LIST] project is the project to import into. DSXfilename
is the DSX file containing the job executables.
-OVERWRITE specifies that any existing jobs in the
project with the same name will be overwritten.
-JOB[S] jobname specifies that one or more named job
executables should be imported (otherwise all the executable in the DSX file
are imported).
-LIST causes DataStage to list the executables in a
DSX file rather than import them.
a Report
The dsjob command can be used to generate an XML
format report containing job, stage, and link information.
dsjob –report [useid] project job|jobid [report_type]
report_type is one of the following:
BASIC – Text string containing start/end
time, time elapsed and status of job.
DETAIL – As basic report, but also contains
information about individual stages and links within the job.
LIST – Text string containing full XML
By default the generated XML will not contain a
<?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction. If a stylesheet is required,
specify a RetportLevel of 2 and append the name of the required stylesheet
URL, i.e., 2:styleSheetURL. This inserts a processing
instruction into the generated XML of the form:
<?xml-stylesheet type=text/xsl”
The generated report is written to stdout.
This syntax is equivalent to the
DSMakeJobReport function.DETAIL – As basic report, but also contains
information about individual stages and links within the job.
LIST – Text string containing full XML