SQL Programming mistakes - AND Vs WHERE

 Do you think the below two SQL Queries will yield the same output?

SQL Query-1

Select EmpID, Emp.DeptID , Dept.SubDeptID

FROM TblEmployee Emp 

LEFT JOIN TblDept Dept

ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptID 

AND Dept.SubDeptID = 'A'

SQL Query-2

Select EmpID, Emp.DeptID , Dept.SubDeptID

FROM TblEmployee Emp 

LEFT JOIN TblDept Dept

ON Emp.DeptID = Dept.DeptID 

WHERE Dept.SubDeptID = 'A'

The answer is 'No'. 

In the first query, the AND condition puts and addition join condition on TblDept.

Which means only those records of TblDept will be considered for a join for which values are SubDeptID = 'A'. 

The other records will be ignored meaning there will be NULL as SubDeptID for those Epployee records for whim SubDeptID <> 'A'. Since it is a LEFT JOIN all Employee records will be output.

In the second query, WHERE clause is a filter on the output of the LEFT JOIN between Employee and Dept tables.

First, the LEFT JOIN will be executed, then any records having SubDeptID <> 'A' will be filtered out meaning excluded from final results.

The DDL and DML statements for practice dataset are provided below - 

Drop Table TblDept;

Create Table TblDept

(DeptID int,

SubDeptID char(1)) ;

Insert into TblDept VALUES 

(1    ,           'A'),

(2           ,    'A'),

(3      ,         'B'),

(4      ,         'A');

Create Table TblEmployee

(EmpID int,

DeptID int);

Insert into TblEmployee VALUES 

(1001   ,                    1),

(1002    ,                   2),

(1003     ,                  3),

(1004       ,                4 )

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