SQL Tutorial: Find All Levels of Employee-Manager Hierarchy with Recursive Queries

Understanding employee-manager relationships is crucial for building organizational insights. What if you need more than just an employee's immediate manager, like an entire chain of command? SQL makes it possible. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use recursive queries to uncover every layer of an employee-manager hierarchy, step by step.

The Goal: Mapping the Complete Hierarchy

Typically, an employee table contains details like EmployeeID, EmployeeName, and ManagerID. While a simple self-join helps identify an employee's immediate manager, it falls short when you need to explore multiple levels of hierarchy.

For example, Employee A reports to Manager B, and Manager B reports to Leader C. A self-join only fetches the immediate connection (A → B). But what if you need to trace A's hierarchy all the way to Leader C? This is where recursive queries shine.

Hierarchy Levels Explained

In an organization's structure, hierarchy levels can be defined as:

  • Level 0: The top boss without any manager above them.
  • Level 1: Employees reporting directly to the top boss.
  • Level 2: Employees reporting to Level 1 managers.
  • Level 3+: Subsequent levels of reporting, and so on.

Step 1: A Quick Recap of Self-Joins

Before jumping into recursion, let’s revisit how self-joins work to find an employee’s manager.

SELECT emp.EmployeeName AS Employee, 
       mgr.EmployeeName AS Manager
FROM Employee AS emp
LEFT JOIN Employee AS mgr
ON emp.ManagerID = mgr.EmployeeID;

This query links the table to itself using the ManagerID from one instance and the EmployeeID from the other. It fetches the manager of each employee but doesn't dive deeper into the hierarchy.

Step 2: Setting Up for Recursive Queries

Recursive queries rely on a Common Table Expression (CTE), which breaks down large operations into smaller, logical chunks. Here’s how we can start:

  1. Base Case: Identify the topmost manager (Level 0). This is anyone with a NULL ManagerID.
WITH EmployeeManagerCTE AS (
    SELECT EmployeeID, 
           0 AS EmployeeLevel
    FROM Employee

This part selects the top-level boss, assigning them EmployeeLevel = 0.

Step 3: Writing the Recursive Part

Now, for the hierarchy beneath the top boss, recursion comes into play. We use the output of the CTE to repeatedly fetch employees reporting to the managers identified in the previous step.

Here’s how it looks:

SELECT emp.EmployeeID, 
       mgr.EmployeeLevel + 1 AS EmployeeLevel
FROM Employee AS emp
INNER JOIN EmployeeManagerCTE AS mgr
ON emp.ManagerID = mgr.EmployeeID

How It Works:

  • The INNER JOIN ties each employee’s ManagerID to the EmployeeID from the last CTE output.
  • The EmployeeLevel increases by 1 with each step further down the hierarchy.

Step 4: Retrieving the Results

Finally, we query the CTE to retrieve all employees with their respective hierarchy levels:

FROM EmployeeManagerCTE
ORDER BY EmployeeLevel;

Complete Query

Putting it all together, the full recursive query looks like this:

WITH EmployeeManagerCTE AS (
    SELECT EmployeeID, 
           0 AS EmployeeLevel
    FROM Employee


    SELECT emp.EmployeeID, 
           mgr.EmployeeLevel + 1 AS EmployeeLevel
    FROM Employee AS emp
    INNER JOIN EmployeeManagerCTE AS mgr
    ON emp.ManagerID = mgr.EmployeeID
FROM EmployeeManagerCTE
ORDER BY EmployeeLevel;

Interpreting Results

The output will provide:

  • Top-level bosses (EmployeeLevel = 0).
  • Direct reports to them (EmployeeLevel = 1).
  • Employees reporting to Level 1 managers (EmployeeLevel = 2).
  • And so on.

For instance:

EmployeeID EmployeeName ManagerID EmployeeLevel
7 Jenny NULL 0
5 Samuel 7 1
6 Mark 7 1
4 Richard 6 2
2 Hillary 5 2
3 Adam 4 3

Understanding the Recursion

Recursive queries essentially work in rounds:

  1. First Round: Finds Level 0 (top managers).
  2. Second Round: Looks for employees reporting to Level 0 and assigns them Level 1.
  3. Third Round: Fetches employees reporting to Level 1 and assigns them Level 2.
  4. And So On: Continues until no more matches are found.

This looping mechanism ensures the hierarchy is thoroughly explored without additional logic.

Why Recursive Queries Are Powerful

A self-join is perfect for a single layer of reporting. However, for multi-level hierarchies like family trees or nested relationships, recursion is your go-to tool. Adding hierarchy levels dynamically without manual effort saves time and makes your queries scalable.


With the recursive query approach, you can efficiently map out an entire employee-manager hierarchy. Whether it’s for organizational analysis or preparing for SQL interviews, mastering recursive queries is a valuable skill.

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