The Powerful Output Clause in SQL

SQL developers often overlook a valuable tool called the **output clause**. This feature allows us to easily identify the values that are inserted, updated, or deleted in our database. In this blog, we will explore how the output clause can be used to retrieve the relevant data in various DML operations.

Inserting Records

Let's start by creating a simple table with three columns: _key ID_, _key name_, and _key value_. To insert some records into this table, we can use a basic insert statement. However, by adding the output clause, we can retrieve the newly inserted key ID values.

For example:

INSERT INTO YourTable (key_name, key_value)

OUTPUT inserted.key_ID

VALUES ('John', 100),

       ('Jane', 200),

       ('Mike', 300);

By executing the above statement, we can obtain the inserted _key ID_ values for the new records. This information can be extremely useful for further processing or analysis.

Updating Records

Now let's explore how the output clause can be utilized in an update statement. Suppose we want to update the _key value_ of all records where the _key name_ is less than or equal to 13. To view the updated and original values, we can once again employ the output clause.

Consider the following example:

UPDATE YourTable

SET key_value = 500

OUTPUT inserted.key_value AS updated\_value,

       deleted.key_value AS original\_value

WHERE key_name <= 13;

By executing the above statement, we can see the updated values in the updated_value_ column, while the original_value_ column displays the original or old values. This allows us to easily track the changes made to the database.

Deleting Records

The output clause can also be helpful in a delete statement, as it allows us to retrieve the values of the records that have been deleted. This can be especially useful for audit purposes or to keep track of important data.

Let's consider the following example:


OUTPUT deleted.key_ID,



WHERE key_name >= 'XYZ';

In the above statement, we are deleting the records where the _key name_ is greater than or equal to 'XYZ'. By using the output clause, we can retrieve the details of the deleted records, including the _key ID_, _key name_, and _key value_. This provides us with a clear view of the data that has been removed from the database.


The output clause is a powerful feature in SQL that is often overlooked by developers. By incorporating this clause in our DML operations, we can easily identify the inserted, updated, and deleted values. This information can be invaluable for troubleshooting, auditing, and data analysis purposes. So, next time you are working with SQL, don't forget to leverage the power of the output clause!

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