Datastage | Partitioning and Collecting


The aim of most partitioning operations is to end up with a set of partitions that are as near equal size as possible, ensuring an even load across your processors.


When performing some operations however, you will need to take control of partitioning to ensure that you get consistent results. A good example of this would be where you are using an aggregator stage to summarize your data. To get the answers you want (and need) you must ensure that related data is grouped together in the same partition before the summary operation is performed on that partition.


Round robin partitioner


The first record goes to the first processing node, the second to the second processing node, and so on. When WebSphere DataStage reaches the last processing node in the system, it starts over. This method is useful for resizing partitions of an input data set that are not equal in size. The round robin method always creates approximately equal-sized partitions. This method is the one normally used when WebSphere DataStage initially partitions data.


Random partitioner

Records are randomly distributed across all processing nodes. Like round robin, random partitioning can rebalance the partitions of an input data set to guarantee that each processing node receives an approximately equal-sized partition. The random partitioning has a slightly higher overhead than round robin because of the extra processing required to calculate a random value for each record.


Entire partitioner

Every instance of a stage on every processing node receives the complete data set as input. It is useful when you want the benefits of parallel execution, but every instance of the operator needs access to the entire input data set. You are most likely to use this partitioning method with stages that create lookup tables from their input.

Same partitioner

The stage using the data set as input performs no repartitioning and takes as input the partitions output by the preceding stage. With this partitioning method, records stay on the same processing node; that is, they are not redistributed. Same is the fastest partitioning method. This is normally the method WebSphere DataStage uses when passing data between stages in your job.


Hash partitioner

Partitioning is based on a function of one or more columns (the hash partitioning keys) in each record. The hash partitioner examines one or more fields of each input record (the hash key fields). Records with the same values for all hash key fields are assigned to the same processing node.


This method is useful for ensuring that related records are in the same partition, which may be a prerequisite for a processing operation. For example, for a remove duplicates operation, you can hash partition records so that records with the same partitioning key values are on the same node. You can then sort the records on each node using the hash key fields as sorting key fields, then remove duplicates, again using the same keys. Although the data is distributed across partitions, the hash partitioner ensures that records with identical keys are in the same partition, allowing duplicates to be found.


Hash partitioning does not necessarily result in an even distribution of data between partitions. For example, if you hash partition a data set based on a zip code field, where a large percentage of your records are from one or two zip codes, you can end up with a few partitions containing most of your records. This behavior can lead to bottlenecks because some nodes are required to process more records than other nodes.


Modulus partitioner

Partitioning is based on a key column modulo the number of partitions. This method is similar to hash by field, but involves simpler computation.


In data mining, data is often arranged in buckets, that is, each record has a tag containing its bucket number. You can use the modulus partitioner to partition the records according to this number. The modulus partitioner assigns each record of an input data set to a partition of its output data set as determined by a specified key field in the input data set. This field can be the tag field.


The partition number of each record is calculated as follows:

partition_number = fieldname mod number_of_partitions


where: fieldname is a numeric field of the input data set and number_of_partitions is the number of processing nodes on which the partitioner executes. If a partitioner is executed on three processing nodes it has three partitions.


Range partitioner


Divides a data set into approximately equal-sized partitions, each of which contains records with key columns within a specified range. This method is also useful for ensuring that related records are in the same partition. A range partitioner divides a data set into approximately equal size partitions based on one or more partitioning keys.


In order to use a range partitioner, you have to make a range map. You can do this using the Write Range Map stage. The range partitioner guarantees that all records with the same partitioning key values are assigned to the same partition and that the partitions are approximately equal in size so all nodes perform an equal amount of work when processing the data set.


Range partitioning is not the only partitioning method that guarantees equivalent-sized partitions. The random and round robin partitioning methods also guarantee that the partitions of a data set are equivalent in size. However, these partitioning methods are keyless; that is, they do not allow you to control how records of a data set are grouped together within a partition.


DB2 partitioner

Partitions an input data set in the same way that DB2® would partition it. For example, if you use this method to partition an input data set containing update information for an existing DB2 table, records are assigned to the processing node containing the corresponding DB2 record. Then, during the execution of the parallel operator, both the input record and the DB2 table record are local to the processing node. Any reads and writes of the DB2 table would entail no network activity.


Auto partitioner

The most common method you will see on the WebSphere DataStage stages is Auto. This just means that you are leaving it to WebSphere DataStage to determine the best partitioning method to use depending on the type of stage, and what the previous stage in the job has done. Typically WebSphere DataStage would use round robin when initially partitioning data, and same for the intermediate stages of a job.




Collecting is the process of joining the multiple partitions of a single data set back together again into a single partition. There may be a stage in your job that you want to run sequentially rather than in parallel, in which case you will need to collect all your partitioned data at this stage to make sure it is operating on the whole data set.


Note that collecting methods are mostly non-deterministic. That is, if you run the same job twice with the same data, you are unlikely to get data collected in the same order each time. If order matters, you need to use the sorted merge collection method.


Round robin collector


Reads a record from the first input partition, then from the second partition, and so on. After reaching the last partition, starts over. After reaching the final record in any partition, skips that partition in the remaining rounds.


Ordered collector

Reads all records from the first partition, then all records from the second partition, and so on. This collection method preserves the order of totally sorted input data sets. In a totally sorted data set, both the records in each partition and the partitions themselves are ordered. This may be useful as a preprocessing action before exporting a sorted data set to a single data file.


Sorted merge collector

Read records in an order based on one or more columns of the record. The columns used to define record order are called collecting keys. Typically, you use the sorted merge collector with a partition-sorted data set (as created by a sort stage). In this case, you specify as the collecting key fields those fields you specified as sorting key fields to the sort stage.


The data type of a collecting key can be any type except raw, subrec, tagged, or vector.


Auto collector

The most common method you will see on the parallel stages is Auto. This normally means that WebSphere DataStage will eagerly read any row from any input partition as it becomes available, but if it detects that, for example, the data needs sorting as it is collected, it will do that. This is the fastest collecting method.

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