Pandas - Melt - Unpivot or transpose data - Columns to rows | Example

There might be scenarios where we need to convert data from columns into rows.

Imagine the below Sales dataset -

Region    Jan-2022    Feb-2022    March-2022

A           2000        4500          3298

B           1876        1003         2500

Now instead of having a separate column for each month's sales, we wish to have an output as shown below -

Region     Month      Sales

A           Jan-2022    2000       

A           Feb-2022    4500

A           March-2022  3298

B           Jan-2022    1876       

B           Feb-2022    1003

B           March-2022  2500

The easiest way to achieve this is using the Pandas melt function.

Syntax -

pandas.melt(frame, id_vars=None, value_vars=None, var_name=None, value_name='value', col_level=None, ignore_index=True)

The function Unpivots a DataFrame from wide to long format, optionally leaving identifiers set.

It is useful to massage a DataFrame into a format where one or more columns are identifier variables (id_vars), while all other columns, considered measured variables (value_vars), are “unpivoted” to the row axis, leaving just two non-identifier columns, ‘variable’ and ‘value’.


id_vars tuple, list, or ndarray, optional
Column(s) to use as identifier variables.
value_vars tuple, list, or ndarray, optional
Column(s) to unpivot. If not specified, uses all columns that are not set as id_vars.
var_name scalar
Name to use for the ‘variable’ column. If None it uses or ‘variable’.
value_name scalar, default ‘value’
Name to use for the ‘value’ column.
col_level int or str, optional
If columns are a MultiIndex then use this level to melt.
ignore_index bool, default True
If True, original index is ignored. If False, the original index is retained. Index labels will be repeated as necessary.

Solution for our Problem - 




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