Showing posts from 2012

Datastage tricky questions

1) Aggregator - Is Sort needed - Only when the method is defined as Sort. If defined as Hash, no so…

XMeta DB

Taken from  XMeta DB : …

Unix - crontab

Taken from  - The Linux utilities cron and…

Unix Sed Vs Awk

Sed and Awk behave in a similar way to a large extent - the obvious question then arises as to when…

Unix - awk one-liners

Handy list of awk one liners taken from USAGE:    Unix:…

Unix - sed - one liners

Very useful list of sed one liners taken from FILE SPAC…

Unix - grep one-liners

There are useful grep one liners taken from the blog -…

Datastage Best Practices

Few are listed here taken from it-toolbox - will be listing more in later posts.... http://it.too…

Oracle - Partition by clause

Partition by is used while writing the analytical functions in Oracle. Referring to this blog - h…

SQL optimization

A very common question in interviews is regarding SQL optimization - Am copying the optimization …

Oracle - Too many indexes

Indexes are created on database tables for effective joins. But what if too many indexes are create…

Datastage Interview Questions

1) Define Datastage 8.1 runtime architecture. 2) Define Conductor Node, Section Leader and Players.…

Database Interview Questions

1) Difference between Identity Column and Sequences. 2) Difference between bulk load and normal load…

DBMS Interview Questions - 4

1) Can constraints be created through an application program? 2) Execution priority for Triggers, Co…

DBMS Interview Questions - 3

1) What are triggers? 2) What are constraints? 3) What is an Instead of Trigger? 4) Can a DBMS with …

DBMS Interview Questions - 2

1) What is SuperKey? 2) What is Dormant Entity? 3) Hierarchical Vs Relational Model 4) Codd's ru…

DBMS Interview Questions

1) Difference between physical and logical database structures. 2) What are Candidate Keys? 3) What …

Lookup duplicating records

Records are duplicated in the job (even if the flow is not duplicated in datastage!). Cause - It wa…

No title

Batch job (job control script) was migrated from one environment to another. On the new environment,…

No title

Set the Environment Variable DS_ENABLE_RESERVED_CHAR_CONVERT to TRUE. It is necessary to read reserv…



Error - FTP Enterprise

Error: FTP_ENTREPRISE,0: Error from input record streamer. You need to set the Record Delimiter Prop…

Fatal Error

main_program: Fatal Error: There are irreconcilable constraints on the number ofpartitions of an ope…

Datatype - money - SQL Server

The type money exists in SQL Server. It is like an Integer divided by 1000. So it is equivalent to D…

Left Join on lookup

A lookup could generate new lines (like a left join), how is that possible? I thought that a lookup …

Importing Special Character

A warning on Transformation job on the import of a special character. APT_CombinedOperatorController…

Trim a special character

There is a field which finishes with a CR character (/n). Following options were tried, but didn'…

Oracle - Unicode Values

A value in the database is '‘MODU¿7,5’ But when we tried to retrieve this value through the Ora…

ODBC Stage in DS 8.1

This is one of the problems we faced while using ODBC Stage in DS 8.1. We used to define the 'Tr…

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